Grievance Redressal
Directorate of Distance Education, Pondicherry University provides different channels for attending to students Grievances.
These include
- A detailed information about the Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) in the university website.
- Periodical updates relating to Admissions, Fee particulars, Examination Schedules and Personal Contact Programme classes are given in the Website.
- Soft copy of the Study Materials for most of the courses are made available for open access.
- Information regarding different officials, Coordinators, Faculty members and their contact details are provided in the Website.
- The grievances if any are attended through mail ( physical/E-mail ) by Academic coordinators.
- Telephonic calls are attended during the working hours on all working days through different intercom numbers.
- Original certificates submitted by students are carefully handled and returned to the students with utmost care by speed post/Registered post.
- Declaration of Examination results are intimated to the students through the website.
Redressal Procedure
- In case, any student wants to know about their next admission dates, courses offered and Fee structure, their enquiry will be attended immediately by providing DDE prospectus and its link for access.
- If a prospective student wants to know more about the details of the specific courses, they can contact the Academic coordinators, Course coordinators, Faculty members working in DDE and even the Director of the DDE.
- Students seek the admission can easily download the application and prospectus from the university website or physically visit Spot admission centers located in different colleges all over the country.
- Enquiries, Grievances on admission related, ID card related are attended through E-Mail to the Director, DDE ( )
- Grievances related to Examination application form, Hall ticket, Examination centers and declaration of results are attended by Controller of Examinations, Pondicherry University (
- Further the students are also permitted to contacts through listed phone numbers given in the Pondicherry University Website ( ).
- Any grievance not attended within reasonable time may be brought to the notice of the Director of DDE / Controller of Examinations either by sending the mails or by contacting through phone numbers given in the DDE webpage.
- Student grievances at Twinning centers are attended by the Twinning centre Coordinators. Contact details are given in the Twinning Prospectus.