Assignments are an essential component of continuous assessment which contribute to the final evaluation of the learners. Submission of these assignments is compulsory for all the learners and a pre requisite to take the final examination. The maximum marks for the examination for each paper is 100 out of which Internal (assignments) marks constitute 25% and Term end examination is 75%. Assignments are set by the e faculty concerned and the students are required to construct their own answers. The assignment responses are to be submitted by the students to the DDE/Student Support Centre. DDE/ Student Support Centre in-charge gets them evaluated by the faculties appointed for this purpose. The faculties write their comments on these assignments and send them back to the learners in time to provide them feedback on their learning.
In all professional courses it is customary to undergo a project work to make the students feel the taste of real-life situation. In line with this philosophy in our MBA programme there is a compulsory component of project work. All the Final year MBA students have to undergo compulsory project work which consists of 100 marks. The objectives behind this practical component is to provide you an opportunity to investigate a problem by the application of various operational and practical concepts of business in a scientific manner.
- Title of the Project
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Objective/s
- Hypothesis/Research Questions/Research Assumptions
- Rationale behind the study/project
- Methods (applicable for primary research. In case of secondary research, it will be different. For example, please write what methods you followed for data collection i.e., reviewed journals, newspaper, search engine and so on)
- Study site
- Sample
- Study tool/s
- Data Collection
- Data management and analysis
8. Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
9. Implication of the study/project
10. Limitations
11. References
Note: A detailed project guideline link